Scan for registration if using phone or tablet
Registration Form 2024-2025 for NEW FAMILIES for children ages 3 to 5 year, they must be 3 by Dec. 31st. If classes are full you will be contacted and put on a wait list.
Preschool Classes and Fees | 99.0KB |
Family Handbook | 779.5KB |
Medical Form | 123.2KB |
First Day Checklist.pdf | 126.5KB |
Option 1: Attend the information and registration night on April 17th at the preschool 5:00-6:00 p.m. or 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Option 2: You can register online on your computer/phone/tablet at any time until classes are full. Once you complete the registration form you will receive the parent consent forms that need to be completed and returned to bpsteachers@brookspreschool.com
Payment options: E-Transfer payments to brookspreschool123@gmail.com or pay cash or cheque
We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about registration or our programs! Please call 403-362-4828 403-362-0052, or send an email to the address above.
Bring For Information and Registration
· Copy of your Child’s Immunization Records
· Alberta Health Care Number
· $40.00 Registration fee and 1-month deposit guarantees your spot (E-Transfer)
· Only complete ONLINE registration packages will be accepted
We look forward to seeing you at Brooks Preschool to start this special developmental time for your child to have fun!